CISO, Security Architect, Privacy Officer

CISO, Security Architect, Privacy Officer

While collaboration is a business necessity, data privacy and data leakage risks remain an executive and board level concern. Inappropriate sharing of files inside and outside of your environment, files sent to the wrong recipients, or those obtained through system breach pose an ongoing threat to your business and expose the organization to compliance risks and liabilities. Unfortunately, in an EMA research report of mid-tier and large enterprises, more than 84% of respondents expressed moderate to no confidence in their security controls and auditing capacity to secure files.

A layered approach towards ensuring appropriate data protection and governance would include resource access controls, web filtering, data loss prevention and securing data at rest. In the same EMA survey, more than 50% expressed the most impact of file data leakage were due to files inappropriately shared with others outside the company, files exfiltrated by malware or hackers, and files stolen by a trusted insider. While policy development and legal enforcement are best practices, the majority of organizations plan to make technology investments and implement stronger file encryption and usage control software.

FinalCode provides a file-based Information Rights Management (IRM) platform that applies proven and standard encryption and usage controls in an effective, manageable and usable way that allows any organization to readily secure files containing sensitive, regulated and confidential data. It provides a persistent approach to ensure technical controls, invoked by the file owner or according to corporate policy, remains active no matter where they may go. All file security activity, including the application of controls, subsequent attempts of access, and actual usage, are maintained in audit logs for trend analysis, forensics and evidence to support data breach safe harbors. Since FinalCode manages file security, not file storage, transport and collaboration management, it can be rapidly deployed to support popular infrastructure, devices and applications in a way that can be easily adopted by both internal and external users.

Our platform manages the keys, user provisioning and authentication, policy settings and enforcement, and logging. It allows file owners to encrypt a file using 256-bit AES encryption, apply granular permissions, and ensure that the file can only be opened and used by authorized users according to policy. The system can also automatically apply policy to local and network shared folders. As the file moves across networks (trusted, untrusted, private or public), devices, and file and cloud sharing services, file security controls ultimately stay enforced at the operating system and application level of the recipient’s system. The recipients and permissions, including unlock, revoking access or remotely deleting files via data overwrite, can be dynamically updated even after distribution. Unauthorized attempts to open a file or unsanctioned usage can result in a file automatically being deleted from the system.

With FinalCode, organizations to share files securely while preserving information availability, integrity and confidentiality, and confidentiality.


Ensure File Security with FinalCode